BALLOTS - definitie. Wat is BALLOTS
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Wat (wie) is BALLOTS - definitie

Ballot design; Butterfly ballot; Ballot paper; Ballots; Ballot papers; Ballot voting; Punch-card ballot; Paper ballot; Psephocracy; Punch-card ballots; Voting ballot; Punch card ballot
  • Finnish presidential election]]

(ballots, balloting, balloted)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks...
Fifty of its members will be elected by direct ballot.
N-COUNT: also by N
A ballot is a piece of paper on which you indicate your choice or opinion in a secret vote.
Election boards will count the ballots by hand...
If you ballot a group of people, you find out what they think about a subject by organizing a secret vote.
The union said they will ballot members on whether to strike.
= poll
International observers say the balloting was fair.
A ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election and may be found as a piece of paper or a small ball used in secret voting. It was originally a small ball (see blackballing) used to record decisions made by voters in Italy around the 16th century.
1) to cast a ballot
2) to invalidate a ballot
3) an absentee; open; secret; straw; void ballot
4) a ballot against; for
5) by ballot (to vote by secret ballot)



A ballot is a device used to cast votes in an election and may be found as a piece of paper or a small ball used in secret voting. It was originally a small ball (see blackballing) used to record decisions made by voters in Italy around the 16th century.

Each voter uses one ballot, and ballots are not shared. In the simplest elections, a ballot may be a simple scrap of paper on which each voter writes in the name of a candidate, but governmental elections use pre-printed ballots to protect the secrecy of the votes. The voter casts their ballot in a box at a polling station.

In British English, this is usually called a "ballot paper". The word ballot is used for an election process within an organization (such as a trade union "holding a ballot" of its members).

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BALLOTS
1. ballots and referendum.
Connectography - Mapping the Future of Global Civilization _ Parag Khanna _ Talks at Google
2. impact beyond the ballots?
Deeds Not Words _ Wendy Davis _ Talks at Google
3. didn't cast their ballots, right?
AAPI in the Public Eye _ Bill Imada & Kathy Ko Chin _ Talks at Google
4. You look at their ballots.
FairVote - Improving Democratic Outcomes _ Rob Richie & Krist Novoselić _ Talks at Google
5. the committed and stuck ballots are going
The Stellar Consensus Protocol _ David Mazières _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BALLOTS
1. On and on the voting went –– 50 ballots, 60 ballots, 70 ballots.
2. Two ballots, five ballots, 10 ballots –– that would give an old geezer a reason to go on living.
3. As of Monday morning, 1'1,404 voters had requested absentee ballots and '4,2'0 ballots had been returned.
4. Of these, 3',331 ballots were determined to be valid and only 284 ballots were disqualified.
5. A shortage of paper ballots led to Boston police delivering extra ballots during rush hour.